At times, even if an event strikes our fancy and we’d really like to go for it, we hesitate to click “Get Ticket”.
Fear of commitment? Perhaps.
Unsure of our schedules? More likely than not.
We then put the decision to buy tickets on hold, but alas, we forget or the tickets sell out!
Watchlist: Never missing out
The new watchlist feature on Peatix now allows us to keep events we’re interested in going for within our radar.
How it works
1. Spot an interesting event happening on Peatix on our events listing. Click on the event to go to the event page.
2. Click the grey “Remind me later” button and the event will be added to your event watchlist. You need to be logged into (or create) a Peatix account to do this.
3. When tickets are almost sold out or it’s three days before the event happens, you will be sent an email to remind you of that awesome event you wanted to go for but had not committed to buying tickets just yet.
4. Get your tickets before they sell out and have the time of your life at the event!