Over the years, we’ve assisted with thousands of events and have gathered feedback on your experience with creating events on Peatix.
The introduction of our overhauled event creation process is a culmination of your input to make our ticketing platform easier for you to use.
Find out how it works in greater detail here, but of note, are the following enhancements to creating your events on Peatix.
1. Walk through of the event creation process over three distinct stages – Basics, Tickets and Details. Doing so ensures all your bases are covered so you do not miss out on important sections you might want to include for your event page. For example, the form function is prominently visible under the Details tab so you’ll never miss it and be able to collect all the information you need from your attendees to plan your events.

2. You have the ability to schedule the start and end time of ticket sales for each ticket category. In the past, you might have camped at your laptop to publish your event for ticket sales to go live at a specific time. You don’t have to do that now. Simply input the start and end time, and let the platform automate it as scheduled by you.

3. Event cover images are all standardised at 920px x 450px. This ensures your cover image is seen in all its glory and not be awkwardly cropped but appropriately scaled when viewed across devices on web or app.

4. You’re now able to preview the event before you publish, and also share a preview link to others on your team should you like to get their input on it. Once your event page is published, followers of your Peatix group will be automatically notified by email of your new event so you’d want to be sure your event page is set up correctly before going live.

Have more ideas or suggestions of product features you would like to see on Peatix? Let us know, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve Peatix for you.