Over the course of building our ticketing platform, we’ve witnessed first hand how many of you have put together brilliant events around a cause, passion, and belief that you champion.
But what makes it even more wonderful is the power that your events have in bringing together groups of like-minded people who seek to be part of a community that’s bigger than themselves in your city. Your events organically built communities where folks can let their individuality shine yet feel at home all at the same time.
We then thought, why not marry the two together to give you a platform with tools for you to easily manage your events and to also start, grow and engage with your community – the very people you host events for in the first place.
Since 2016, we’ve done exactly that – to merge your ability to manage your communities and events on one platform. We’ve since steadily introduced tools to help you grow your group and increase engagement both online and offline at events.
1. Having a custom Group URL
Like your events, you can now have a URL that’s unique to your group when you create a new one.
What would this mean for you? It means your group will be easier to search for both on Peatix and on search engines, and it’ll be a lot neater for you to put up on your marketing collaterals as opposed to a URL littered with a string of random characters.
2. Group recommendations to Peatix users
Are you familiar with our automated event recommendations? Group recommendations work the same way. We send our existing users a list of groups that might interest them based off their past events history or groups they’ve joined on Peatix. The scrutiny on relevance in our recommendations will mean that your group will more likely than not be right up their alley, hence increasing the likelihood of them following your group.
3. Call for members of your group to share about it on social media
Whenever a new person joins your group, they’ll be prompted to share about it on Facebook or Twitter. What better way to get the word out than organically through good old fashioned word of mouth. It’s a long standing fact that we attribute the greatest credibility to recommendations from friends and family.
4. Send a message to members of your groups
You need not have an event to also engage with members of your group, and likewise, members of your group may not necessarily be attendees of your ongoing event. This presents you with more opportunities to engage with your community.
In the period before and after an event, you could send group members a message with interesting content they’ll find helpful or entertaining to keep them delighted, engaged and updated about the ongoings of your community. Treat them like you would your friends, not the annoying one that tries to sell you something every time you interact, but the one who cares, or entertains, and is helpful.
In the period during your event, you could engage with group members in a different way, like giving an exclusive discount or additional perks when they purchase tickets to your event because they’re a member of your group.
5. Customise your user profile
First impressions matter, and your user profile can be that first touchpoint that potential members have with your group so make it count. Boldly showcase what your group stands for, what it does, and who it’s for to attract other like-minded people in your city to join and be a part of your community!
All five of these features have been developed to help you better grow and engage with your community. Our developers are also wrapping up on a few exciting features including a video-related one that will be released in the next few weeks, so keep a look out!
Have a suggestion for us? Leave it in the comments below.
Have a community you wish you to build? Start a group today, on web or in the app, on the go. Or be inspired by and join the many communities on Peatix.